Action research and content analysis: case in teacher education
Action research, Content Analysis, Teacher educationAbstract
Action research as a qualitative research methodology in the educational context can contribute to a reflective and collective questioning with a view to improving pedagogical practices, to the understanding of these practices and situations in which they were developed and, consequently, to the professional development of teachers. In data collection and processing, content analysis is a privileged method in the analysis of qualitative data which includes a set of techniques that allow a more rigorous and objective compliance with the scientific criteria and validation of knowledge construction.
This article, through a literature review and a case analysis, aims to understand how the action research methodology can be applied in research studies in the educational context, specifically in teacher education, and to verify the importance of the content analysis method in the qualitative research quality.
The case presented consists of a research-training project developed in an educational community with the objective of promoting the innovation of methodologies and pedagogical strategies through the application of a program of active teacher education with the integration of digital technologies. This project confirmed the development of a more digital culture in this educational community, fostering the professional development of teachers in the context of the future knowledge society, confirming the appropriateness of the proposed research methodology.
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