Remote learning and the pandemic: a close-up
Production of subjectivity; Teachers inventive formation; HeterotopiaAbstract
This is an article woven by six hands, through meetings and conversations held between three teachers from the public education system, two from middle to high school and one from university. This texture conceptualizes an encounter as what activates a problematic field, the principle of an Teachers inventive formation. We put into analysis and into intervention a remote education, summoned by the pandemic scenarios of the present and its close-up plan, which eliminates the body in its totality as the enunciator. In the frame of a screen - computer and/or cell phone - education becomes the focus, evidencing a process of mass exclusion, both of the body and of a number of students and teachers who do not have access to the remote world. For this purpose, the work is divided into three close-up scenes, namely: Scene 1: Pandemic and pandemonium: will it pass!(?); Scene 2: other spaces and heterotopias: in a panting epidemic, a bit of air so as not to suffocate; Scene 3/Epilogue: gaps of an inventive teacher training: the evolution of freedom. The conceptual and methodological take proposed here presents shots that make up the scenes and that work as propagators of the critical dimension and the resistance to affirm self- managed and inventive ways of forming, that link knowing and living to an ethos - a policy for the making of free lives, rarities in times of remote education and control.
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