Pedagogical planning for space-time class: reflections on the act of planning during ERT
Pedagogical Planning, Portuguese Language Teacher, Emergency Remote Teaching, Content analysis, Online questionnaireAbstract
Pedagogical planning is constituted more than an organizational activity of the teacher's work because the act of planning involves an interrelationship between educational aspects and social, political, and cultural realities experienced by educational actors. In this sense, it integrates the activities of the school into the social contexts, with a view to transforming those realities. Thus, it presupposes a collaborative, reflective and integrative action. From this perspective, this article presents a discussion that attends one of the specific objectives of a postdoctoral research, namely: knowing how the teacher's pedagogical planning for the realization of Portuguese Language classes during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) occurs. Methodologically, it is based on a qualitative approach and content analysis method. The participants of this research were 36 teachers who are part of the public education system, from state and municipal dependency, in a locality in the interior of Bahia. The research findings showed us the existence of pedagogical challenges for the realization of collaborative and participatory planning during the ERT due to some factors, including the expansion in the teacher's workload schedule, the modification in the attribution of the teaching role and the need for teacher training to experience the online educational context.
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