Mathematics Education: reflections on some emerging or constant themes in the research field




Mathematics Education, Research field, Emerging themes, Constant themes, Experience report


This report proposes to share some of the discussions held during the Fundamentals and Tendencies of Research in Mathematics Education classes in the period 2023.1. The course was taken as a doctoral student in the doctoral course of the Graduate Program in Scientific Education and Teacher Training (PPGECFP) at the State University of Southwest Bahia, Jequié campus. From the experiences lived during the classes, I made several reflections on some emerging or constant themes in the field of Mathematics Education, they are: In this text I reported on the following themes: The teaching of mathematics; Historical development and importance of research in Mathematics Education and its implications for Mathematics teaching; Creative Insubordination; Psychology of Mathematics Education; Equity and Mathematics Education. Just as I learned and developed as a teacher and researcher in Mathematics Education, I hope that this text will motivate readers to discover new references and expand their perceptions about mediation processes of construction of mathematical knowledge in the different stages and modalities of teaching.


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Author Biography

José Cassiano Teixeira Santos, Secretaria da Educação da Bahia

Professor na rede de ensino da Bahia; doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Científica e Formação de Professores; e-mail: Orcid iD:


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How to Cite

Santos, J. C. T. (2023). Mathematics Education: reflections on some emerging or constant themes in the research field. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 8(1), e13386, 1-16.