The supervised curricular internship as a formative space for the knowledge necessary for educational practice




Initial training, Supervised internship, Professional knowledge, Educational practice


Ethicality, being inherently human, is integral to teacher training and practice, necessitating the acquisition of specific knowledges: apprehension of reality, critical reflection on practice, autonomy, research, and professional competence. This study elucidates how these five educational knowledges, as defined by Paulo Freire (2022), are addressed within the supervised curricular internship of the Bachelor’s Degree in Natural Sciences with a specialization in Physics at a public institution in the interior of São Paulo. Discursive textual analysis (Moraes, 2003) was employed as the methodological approach, applied to the field diary of an intern. Data were organized into three analytical units and categorized into five groups corresponding to the five knowledges discussed in the study. The internship was found to be a formative space for intrinsic educational knowledge by involving the future teacher in professional knowledges, grasping realities of action, constant evaluations of teaching and learning processes, and practices devoid of mechanical reproduction. It was concluded that as a formative space for Freirean knowledges, the internship enabled the initial formation of an educator capable of practicing their profession uniquely, with the ethicality that the human character of educational practice demands, thus taking responsibility for the humanization of their students.


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Author Biographies

Tiago Donizete Alves, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo

Degree in Natural Sciences: major in Physics from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), São João da Boa Vista Campus and Natural Sciences teacher hired by the São Paulo State Department of Education. Email: 

Andréia Silva Abbiati, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo

PhD in Education from the Faculty of Education at UNICAMP and Professor of Education/Pedagogy at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), São João da Boa Vista Campus. Email:


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How to Cite

Alves, T. D., & Abbiati, A. S. (2024). The supervised curricular internship as a formative space for the knowledge necessary for educational practice. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 9(1), e13597, 1-20.



Dossiê: Estágio Supervisionado nas Licenciaturas