Teaching theater for children with autism in the context of the covid 19 pandemic
alternative communication, autism, education, remote learning, theaterAbstract
This work aimed to develop theater teaching strategies using alternative and expanded communication, remotely, for children with autism. Methodologically, action research was used in the context of theater education. The investigation was carried out from May 2020 to August 2020, weekly, integrating a total of 13 meetings, attended by two children with autism and their family members. The instruments used were intervention, participant observation, video recording and report records. As results stand out: the development of symbolism when children came into contact with finger puppets and their imagery; theatrical art developed aspects such as attention, creation, pragmatic reasoning, communication and interaction; the families were shown to be mediators of the pedagogical process, recognizing the children's abilities. It is concluded that it is possible to develop theatrical skills through digital devices with the support of Alternative Communication, collaborating for the inclusion of children with autism.
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