The skill for critiquing
criticism, colonialism, positionality, ethics, modernityAbstract
This essay aims to problematize how social life in classical Greek philosophy and in modern philosophy was the object of philosophical reflection, culminating in affirming the analytics of truth as a superior criterion for criticism. From this question, we problematize the relations between these analytics of truth and colonialism or the centrality of the white cisheteressexual, bourgeois and European man, as a criterion of well living or living correctly. Through a bibliographic discussion based on some works of modern and contemporary philosophy that tried to oppose this abstract and universalist dimension of the analysis of truth, we indicate that certain colonial traces still have repercussions in them. To conclude, the essay systematizes clues or paths for the development of what we call critical competence, collecting contributions from philosophy, psychoanalysis and anthropology to affirm it as critical pan-perspectivism and as the gestation of new worlds.
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