Wassu-Cocal indigenous schools – claims for a specific curriculum: from deletion to insurgencies
indigenous schools, specific curricula, decolonial experiencesAbstract
This article brings an excerpt from research developed in the Maestry in Education - PPGE/CEDU/UFAL, with the objective of highlighting the curricular and identity paths taken as a tactic of resistance and existence in schools of the ethnoterritory Wassu-cocal, Joaquim Gomes/AL. The focus is centered on claims for a specific, decolonial curriculum. Qualitative research was adopted as a methodological approach, based on multiple case studies. In this text, data is emphasized, which was collected in interviews with the educators, who developed and, to this day, continue developing curricular practices in the classroom, along with pedagogical coordinators. In short, the observations and interviews carried out showed that in their curricula the educators went beyond the prescriptions, valuing the students' knowledge, giving rise to decolonial practices/experiences, following more democratic, emancipatory paths, breaking with the impositions of the prescribed curriculum. Thus, it is emphasized that the counter-hegemonic curricular practices are reconfigured constantly in the two investigated schools, beyond the traditional knowledge of the curriculum.
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