Inequalities in schooling and use of the internet for learning among young people and adults in Brazil
socio-educational inequalities, youth and adult education, National Household Sample SurveyAbstract
Do the inequalities observed in the formal education of the Brazilian adult population also occur in non-formal learning? Considering the theoretical-conceptual axes of life course, lifelong education, demographic changes and use of the internet for learning purposes, we investigate whether the differences in inequality markers characterized by age, gender, color, region of residence and income are common to the dimensions of formal education (literacy, school attendance, average years of study) and non-formal education (use of the internet to consult encyclopedias, read newspapers/magazines, carry out school activities and study on their own). These theoretical axes were used as guidelines to explore the microdata from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD, 2005 and 2015) and the Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT-Households, 2010 and 2019). The results were obtained by applying descriptive statistical techniques, including normalization to compare the different populations and years. In the periods considered, there was an increase in the average schooling of the adult population, especially among younger people, but there was a decrease in the participation of adults in formal education. The use of the internet for learning-related activities increased, especially in the Northeast of the country. Apart from the differences according to gender, the inequality markers remain the same, but the differences between the selected sociodemographic groups have decreased over the years analyzed.
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