A look at the supervised internship based on teachers' narratives
supervised internship, teacher training, initial teacher trainingAbstract
This research dealt with the Supervised Internship, which is a theoretical-practical field of knowledge that is part of the initial training of teachers, also included in the curriculum matrix of the country's degree courses. The general aim of the study was to understand the Supervised Internship based on teachers' narratives. It was a qualitative investigation, whose method was narrative research, in which four teachers from the Philosophy and Music degree courses at a public university in the south of Ceará were interviewed. Textual Discourse Analysis was also used to analyze the data produced. Based on the narratives, it was possible to recognize the essentiality of an education based on dialogue, an attitude of listening and an invitation to know, aspects which are related to critical rationality. In this way, dialogic training was present throughout the undergraduate course, especially in the internship, right up to the participants' current conception and teaching activities.
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