Educational dynamic, Sustainable development, Qualitiy of educationAbstract
This article deals with The Educational Dynamics in Mozambique: Objectives and Perspectives. The method of bibliographic research was used in order to add a greater content and rigor to this knowledge. Although education in Mozambique has gone through several phases throughout its history, it still faces several challenges that need to be overcome. The education sector must achieve economic independence, which will give it autonomy in order to carry out its activities and provide a quality education for Mozambicans, since only an adequate education can form quality men for a nation. It is necessary for the Mozambican Government to conceive an education in the line of creativity that leads to the creation of the work, focusing on the dialectical knowledge and the reflection of man on himself and on society, since this "creative" education is innovative because it is essentially anthropological and presupposes a climate of maximum freedom, which in the language of Habermas is an emancipatory education. And not of reproducibility, because this is an education of necessity, that is, a movement of repetition, even when its repetition approaches the original work.
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BOLETIM OFICIAL nº. 13, de 27 de Março de 1935, que aprova o Regulamento do Ensino Primário Rudimentar e o Regulamento das Escolas Distritais de Artes e Ofícios.
————————- nº. 33, que aprova o Regulamento da Caixa da Escola de Artes e Ofícios para a Escola António Enes de Moamba.
————————- nº. 6, de 10 de Fevereiro de 1937, que aprova a Remodelação da Escola de Habilitação de Professores Indígenas.
————————- nº. 11, de 17 de Setembro de 1937, que aprova os Estatutos da Caixa Escolar da Escola de Habilitação de Professores Indígenas José Cabral.
————————- nº. 13 (Série I), de 31 de Março de 1962.
————————- nº. 6 (Série I, Suplemento 2), de 13 de Fevereiro de 1969.
Decreto-Lei nº. 35.507, de 17 de Setembro de 1947.
Decreto nº. 45.908, de 1964.
Portaria nº. 8.395, de 31 de Maio de 1950.
————- nº. 4.469, de 13 de Agosto de 1941.
———— nº. 15.971, publicado no Boletim Oficial nº. 13, de 31 de Março de 1962.
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