Child, Pedagogical press, Pedagogy in childhoodAbstract
In this article we propose to discuss the place of the child and his / her status within the framework of current childhood pedagogy, through a methodological approach of sociohistorical inspiration using techniques of content analysis of pedagogical discourses of a set of personalities interviewed in the journal Cadernos de Educação de Infância, which we include in the Portuguese pedagogical press and which, in this case, is the responsibility of the only Association of Professionals of Childhood Education in Portugal (APEI). The journal has been published quarterly since 1983 and is currently the only Portuguese publication specifically on childhood education and its professionals, assuming itself as a space for reflection, sharing, analysis and research on quality education. From the vast collection of published interviews, we selected for analysis eight interviews of Portuguese and Brazilian personalities that we found when revisiting the publication numbers in 1996, the year preceding the publication of the first Curricular Guidelines for Pre-school Education (OCEPE) in Portugal, 1997, year in which, in addition to this publication, the first Framework Law for Pre-school Education in Portugal and the year 1998, the year following these reference publications, is also published. Through the interviewees' voices we tried: (i) to identify and understand what discourses were produced about the place and status of the child in childhood pedagogy; (ii) and reflect on the child in the pedagogical ideas in Portugal in the identified time period.
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