Special Teaching Method Course, Teaching Methods, Teaching Strategies, Teaching TechniquesAbstract
This research was conducted in order to determine the which strategies, methods and techniques used by the preschool teacher candidates who prefer to use in the classroom activities in Special Teaching Methods I and II course. The researchers aimed what kind of educational strategies, methods and techniques that the prospective preschool teacher candidates preferred to use in the course of their activities in the Special Teaching Methods. Qualitative research methodologies used for this research. Descriptive and content analyses were conducted in the qualitative dimension of this study. Descriptive analysis has been used in this qualitative dimension by taking direct quotations from the statements of participants in the analysis of descriptive data. This study has been carried out in Nicosia, Cyprus, in 2016 – 2017 academic year. Sample group 87 preschool teacher candidates voluntarily participated to this study. According to results of the study, it has been indicated that the preschool teacher candidates are using mostly classical teaching strategy, methods and techniques. However, preschool teacher candidates prefer to use contemporary teaching strategies, methods and techniques like drama.
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