Initial teacher training, Latin America, Supervised internshipAbstract
The preparation of this study was guided by the question: What does the scientific production developed in the countries of Latin America say about the conceptions and criteria of initial teacher training and internship in undergraduate courses in the period from 2009 to 2019? With the objective of making a survey in the search banks on the initial teacher training and the internship; To know and analyze the scientific production on the initial training of teachers and the internship of
undergraduate courses in the period from 2009 to 2019; Map the conceptions and criteria of initial teacher training and the stage of undergraduate courses in Latin American countries. The investigation is of a qualitative nature, supported by the methodological procedures of the bibliographic research using the software STArt. From this survey, it was obtained that the mandatory supervised internship in undergraduate courses already has traits that measure the development of this training activity associated with research, although without any regularity in the pedagogical plan of the courses. On the other hand, between the lines also allows us to see that the internship has been carried out in the predominance of technical rationality, since it is more evident the absence of teaching training practice connected with research as a structuring element of the training itself. In view of the above, it is considered that teacher education needs educational policies capable of structuring and establishing conditions for the internship to take place via research, thus creating a formative scenario in which teacher educators and trainees are attracted by the act of constituting themselves as subjects of knowledge, but with epistemological attitudes that allow them to understand and understand the formative processes and the construction of the professional teaching identity in the cognitive and humanitarian logic.
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