Study, University youth, Work, ValuesAbstract
The article analyzes partial results of a worldwide investigation of university youths, carried out in the second semester of 2016 by filling out an online questionnaire and reports data on young people up to 30 years old enrolled in undergraduate courses at the Catholic University of Salvador - UCSAL. The selected data allowed to trace the students' socio-biographical profile, their relationship with work, activities and personal interests, satisfaction with life and self-esteem, important aspects of life and identity and their perspectives for the future. The analysis of these data revealed the diversity of the socioeconomic situation of young people and their families, to which the scholarship and public financing programs contribute for access to a private university for young people in families with little or no ability to pay for school fees tuition. The responses suggest a strong expectation of young people regarding professional success in their area of training and the introjection of individualistic values, central to the construction of subjects in times of neoliberal hegemony, as well as the little importance attributed to traditional political participation.
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