Ruralities, Children's narratives, Rural school, Elementary SchoolAbstract
The text results from an investigation carried out in a rural community in the backlands of Bahia. To this end, it moved from the following question: what do the children tell about the experience of inhabiting Old Canudos? Throughout the study we seek to understand how children weave their experiences, assign meanings to places and graph spaces lived. From the methodological point of view, the study was based on assumptions of (auto)biographical research, in the narrative research aspect, using oral narratives from three students of the Early Years of Elementary School and observations. The research revealed that, in the investigated context, the experience of living in rural areas is marked by processes of social exclusion and marginalization, associated with the denial of rights and the absence of public policies that ensure better living conditions for the subjects. This scenario, which shows the thinning of the rural, presents emblematic elements to think about the role of the state and policies that act to transform this reality, specifically in relation to school / education.
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