Biographical research, cooperation, developmentAbstract
In this article, we discuss some issues surrounding biographical research, based on what we have developed, either in teacher training, or with young students or adults in vulnerable situations. We argued, at first, about the centrality, timeliness and importance of narratives and life stories in the educational field. Assumed to be fundamental, in a contemporary investigation, because: epistemologically anchored, to allow knowledge centered on shared human experience; theoretically supported, when contemplating the space / time of the lived and a humanized understanding in the production of knowledge; methodologically involved, as they are coherent and change is promoted, with socialization of power between different participants, they are presented and investigated here. Then, we discuss the relevance of this investigation for the development of individuals, as well as for researchers. Explaning how the ventures on cooperation, such as restrictions of coherence between the object of study, the methodology and the inherent ethical issues. We also advocate an adequate use of the analysis software. It then illustrates a process of analyzing narratives, highlighting emerging and cooperative relations of meanings, as well as highlighting theoretical and methodological advances supported by NVIVO. Understanding the biographically oriented research paths can be, in themselves, promoters of changes, sustained and sustainable, and the societies that inhabit, it is argued, that contexts of production of narratives and analysis options are not indifferent. The ethical classification and the complexity of telling and socializing stories, submerging ourselves implicitly, going to hidden times and spaces, often silent, but reproduced to record memories.
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