Accompaniment, Bildung, TransmissionAbstract
This article is about the elements around the notion of transmission in the process of accompanying teachers who have just started work in institutional settings of higher education. The work is part of the research project Curricular processes and accompanying practices (PCyPA). Training is a cultural process that takes place under material conditions and with strategies for organizing social ties. In the time and space of the cultural act, multiple human links are unleashed that organize the plot, the drama of the transmission as an act of mediation between what is presented by the experts and what is incorporated in the newcomers to institutional practices. The encounter between two agents —generationally different— takes the form of dispositions to build paths that lead to the mobilization of knowledge — especially the desire to know — and of wanting to be in a certain way that leads to the modeling of the self, to the formation of oneself from the vital force that is located in the transmission. The incorporation process is on the side of transformation, modification, alteration, almost conversion. Transmission does not stop having communicational effects, but it is not reduced to it. Transmission has political effects since it gives way to organize and project social ties it tends to generate an aesthetic —as a principle of reality— and to cultivate collegiate strategies and collective frameworks. To reflect on the chiaroscuro of the transmission, we took two narrative diaries of teachers built in the process of immersion in a higher education institution. On the one hand, they expose the process of becoming university teachers; on the other, they reveal the vicissitudes of the accompaniment: hesitations, passions, interest and shaping of the self.
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