Notes for an omnilateral education in Marx and Engels
education, marxism, omnilateral formationAbstract
The analysis of the contributions of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to education and polytechnic training is the objective proposed in this work. There is aconsensus among different Marxist researchers in the field of work and education that the concept of a polytechnic formation was originally delineated by Marx. Based on Marxian methodological postulates, we understand that education and teaching cannot beseparated from the mode of production that forged them. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the article analyzes the reasons that prevent the emancipation of workers under capitalist relations, considering in this process the educational projectsof the nineteenth century and the actuality of the principle between teaching and work in education. Finally, it is concluded that, historically, the proposal of polytechnic education in education, according to Marxian thought, can contribute to the formation of a critical attitude towards capitalist relations. Education alone is not responsible for overcoming capitalism, however, it is impossible to think of revolution without it.
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