The (new) high school in the students' view: traces of neoliberal rationality
Neoliberal rationality, Public school, High schoolAbstract
The article examines the relationship between contemporary education and neoliberal rationality. In particular, it analyzes students' statements about school and high school, in view of the implementation of the New High School Program (PNEM). The theoretical framework comes from concepts discussed by Michel Foucault, Masschelein and Simons and Dardot and Laval. The empirical part took place in a state public education institution in a city in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre – RS, in 2018. The screened material consists of questionnaires answered by students who attended high school. The analytical strategy used to operate on the material was guided by discourse analysis, as understood by Foucault. The examination showed that neoliberal rationality has led school conduct today. Among the traces captured, the following stand out: employability as the focus of high school;
competitiveness and performativity thought as prerogatives to achieve the best results and the need for urgent reform, both institutional and individual. Thus, it is concluded that the contemporary game marked by neoliberal logics produces school life forms supported by the principles of competition, improvement and self-promotion, making students become entrepreneurs responsible for their success or failure.
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