https://doi.org/10.22481/praxisedu.v15i34.5460Palabras clave:
Initial training, Universalization, Work conditionsResumen
The article has as aim to understand the limits and perspectives to the universalization of the access and the appreciation to the teacher in the High School. The discussion was carried out based on educational indicators regarding to the social quality, highlighting the Liquid Frequency Rate, Training Adequacy and Teaching Effort. The analysis makes explicit a distant context from the goals 3, 15, 17 and 18 of the National Education Plan (2014-2024) and makes evident challenges regarding to the universalization of the access, initial training and to the work conditions of the professor in the High School. It suggests that the social quality issue of the High Scholl will not be solved with the curriculum flexibility proposed by the Law Lei 13.415/2017. The social quality requires universalization to the access, mainly for young people from 15 to 17 years old, and to transform the teaching into a social attractive profession. Dimensions are underestimated in discussions on the present time by reformation defenders.
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