Tale, Phase, Textual genres, Portuguese languageAbstract
The short story literary genre is a potential resource in the teaching-learning process of the Portuguese language. In this way, it helps in the development of writing, reading and speaking, since, more than a brief history, this genre, so rich in its multiple nuances, shows us ways, opening up a world of meanings, strengthening our human, artistic, social bonds, educational, cultural and affective. Given this relevance, this qualitative research (OLIVEIRA, 2007) aims to present, from an experience in the Supervised Internship in Letters, in a 6th grade elementary school class, the potential of this textual genre in teaching Portuguese, as a didactic resource and its countless contributions in the teaching-learning process. The analysis technique we chose for the interpretation of the retellings, prepared by the students, was the Content Analysis proposed by Bardin (1997), considering that it is the most appropriate for the interpretation of the data produced. The approach takes place through the process of reflection on the research object from the studied reality. As a result, the importance of working with the teaching of Portuguese language was observed, in order to give meaning to the elements that are presented to students. In this way, we find several potentials of short stories as a teaching strategy in Portuguese classes, promoting reflection and awareness of students to understand not only the contents taught at school, but also to understand the world and its reality.
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