Curricularization of university extension in the context of the social function of the university
curricularization, university education, university extensionAbstract
This article proposes to discuss the role of the curricularization of University Extension as a process aimed at the search for transformation of the ways of understanding and designing actions in the scope of academic-scientific doing, increasing the reflection on the construction and socialization of scientific knowledge and technological, in view of its implications in the context of social relations. For the methodological design of the study, an extensive bibliographic survey and document analysis on the subject are used, discussing the concept of curricularization and its implications for the consolidation of the university beyond its operational vision. This requires the effective recognition of the constitutional principle of inseparability between teaching, research and university extension, activities mediated by management and, mainly, for the transformation of curricular paradigms still strongly marked by the perspective of instrumentalization for the labor market, not disregarding the appeal social and political aspect of this trend. The results reflect the understanding that a social institution such as the university, in addition to the construction and socialization of knowledge, interferes in the system of social relations, contributing to the transformation of ways of seeing, understanding and producing visions of the world, projecting new ways of acting policy. In the midst of this sociocultural construct, the university needs to develop practices aimed at public recognition of its legitimacy and attributions, elements that justify the process of curricularization of university extension.
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