Historical-dialectic materialism: reflections on the method
foundations theoretical-epistemological, historical-dialectical materialism, MarxAbstract
This text presents reflections that underpin the debate on the historical-dialectical materialism method. The objective of the work is to understand the production of knowledge in Marx and his contributions to the epistemological field. For this, bibliographical research is adopted as a methodology seeking to identify, from the works of Marx (Marx, 2013; 2011; 2008; 2004) and other authors (Tonet, 2013; Chasin, 2009; Netto, 2009; Duarte 2008; Marx; Engels, 2007; Kosik, 2002), the difficulties of addressing the methodological resolution in Marxian production and present the basic assumptions that allow us to understand that there is a type of theoretical-epistemological production in Marxian and Marxist works. It discusses the ontological question of Being, the method and the production of knowledge in Marx. It is concluded that there is no explanatory path on the method, but theoretical-methodological indications that expose a consistent and articulated framework around the understanding of reality and Being. This analytical framework clarifies not only the ontology of Being and its relationship with reality, but also transforms the way of thinking and doing science in modernity. Thus, it is understood that Marxian theory represents a great qualitative leap for the production of scientific knowledge, since it advances in important points for the progress of criticism of speculation, as well as for the understanding of central categories that explain the problematic of knowledge and its relationship with social practice.
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