The song and the construction of the untested feasibility: alternatives for the work with language in school
educational practice, language practices, multisemiotic analysis, song genreAbstract
Understanding the school as an appropriate space to debate social issues and think alternatives for what should be socially changed, this article presents a proposal for an educational practice with language practices involving the songs Homem na Estrada and Vilarejo. The theoretical reference is based on Paulo Freire to discuss about untested feasibility, limit-situations and educational practice, and on Bakhtin to discuss about genres of discourse. The authors are based on the Base Nacional Comum Curricular to position the proposal in what the document foresees for the teaching of Portuguese Language in High School. To analyze the songs, the Tetragram of multisemiotic analysis of the song proposed by the Grupo de Estudos da Canção was used. The activities and problematizations presented are possible ways to guide the educational practice with the song genre integrating the language practices: reading/listening, text production (oral and written), orality and linguistic/semiotic analysis.
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