Ebós of knowledge: crossing pedagogy and opening paths to decoloniality
auto(oris)ethnography, colonial loads, decoloniality, ebos of knowledge, pedagogy of terreiroAbstract
In this article we reflect on the aspects of a sensitive pedagogy when crossing crossroads and opening paths to knowledge and values connected to traditions of African matrices, thought here as the pedagogies of the terreiro and the implications of these with the training of teachers at the university, glimpsing perspectives of worldviews historically denied, made invisible and silenced in the process of teacher education and in teaching. The research incorporated a qualitative methodology through an auto(orís)ethnography, which evoked orís and bodies that are constituted in the terreiro and build knowledge arising from our ancestry in teachings and learnings founded on the collectivity, on what is experienced, lived and felt. We understand that occupying the university is the way to build pluri-epistemic pedagogical practices that disrupt coloniality in teacher training, enhancing our knowledge that emerges from our terrestrial belonging, seen and understood as subaltern and continually denied in social and educational spaces.
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