Biografy, Teacher training, Narrative ResearchAbstract
The text deals with research based on working the narrative through the reflexivity of the lived, in the construction of a representation of the feeling of being a teacher, based on the mediation of
the self-consciousness / self-consciousness, in the study of the subject's narrative action on the subject. world, in a relational movement that the individual builds by being in the world, as an epistemological and ontological construction, shared between those involved in / in research, distancing themselves from the concept of scientific knowledge as a production that hierarchically delimits the role of the researcher and the researched. Its theoretical foundation is to perceive the subject in its singular universality, woven in the universe of human history and in the singularity of his life project. Thus, the text aims to analyze how the formation of the teacher is constructed through the bias of the narrative of Portuguese language teachers. Through a methodological path, Oral History was chosen, from the perspective of the oral history of life, through the analysis of the narrative of oneself as part of the training process of these professionals, which directed the look to the narrative literature as a starting point for the generation of data. From what was observed, it was found that reflecting on teacher education processes through the perspective of their life history is manifested in a proposal for the construction of scientific knowledge that considers self-construction as an elementary substance, that is, it is manifested in the perspective epistemological in which the concern with the subject is also ontological, as it considers him as a socio-political agent.
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