Eventos científicos online: el caso de las lives en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19
Academic-scientific live, Science education, Online educationAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the importance of scientific education within the Brazilian reality and some relevant implications for public policies in relation to doing science in Brazil. For this, the choice was to explain the phenomenon of online scientific event, a phenomenon of scientific education as a resonance of cyberculture and an unfolding of online scientific dissemination. In an epistemological-methodological perspective of training-research in cyberculture, the topics under discussion were mapped in the educational networks that used the Facebook, Instagram and YouTube applications, between the first two quarantine months with social distance in Brazil. It is hoped with this to expand the social understanding of this sociotechnical phenomenon and, at the same time, to describe densely the updating of its nomenclature academic-scientific lives or may lives, preserving the limits of the phenomenal essence. And, still, expand the scientific repertoire on the public perception of science of Brazilian society, as well as collaborate with the reflections currently established in society through the impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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