Teacher training in the education program: Reflections from the perspective of Unimontes graduates
Education, Graduates, Teacher trainingAbstract
This research was carried out in the area of teacher training, constituting an opportunity to reflect on the contributions and training processes in the Education program. Within the scope of Unimontes, the goal was to understand the structures of the teaching profession, based on the perception of Education graduates - 2013/2017. Using a mixed, interpretative approach, this research in progress presents partial results from the data collection instrument Google Forms. The data analysis was carried out via a content analysis. As a result, we found the following aspects: satisfaction with the program, placement in the job market in the area of their degree, importance of the internship, etc. The relevance of this investigation is based mainly on the contribution it can provide towards a better understanding of teacher training and indicate alternatives for problems that historically challenge institutions that offer teaching degrees and are dedicated to training teachers.
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