Research on natural sciences in the common national curricular base: a recent map
Common National Curricular Base, Nature Sciences, ResearchAbstract
The article presents the results of a mapping of scientific articles that focus on the area of Nature Sciences in the BNCC in the data base of the Periodical Portal of the Coordination of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) and of Google Academic, in the period from 2017 to 2021 (first quarter). This is a qualitative research, characterized as an inventory and descriptive balance. In the searches, 927 scientific articles were found on the BNCC after using the filters and, of this number, only 38 of them focused on Nature Science. The balance of these productions indicates a still emerging and growing debate, tensioned by different views and perspectives on the BNCC, a movement, in fact, peculiar to studies in the field of curriculum policy. Although the articles address the same area of knowledge, they delve into different issues, highlighting themes related to practice, science education, health, and the structuring elements of the BNCC text in the different versions. The articles that analyzed the construction process and the different versions of the BNCC present as points of convergence the perception that the approved version of this official document has a structure that goes against what is expected, by scholars in the field, of a science education.
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