Analysis of the oral arguments of the PNEE -2020 direct unconstitutionality action
Special Education, Direct Unconstitutionality Action, National Policy on Special EducationAbstract
The National Policy on Special Education: equitable, inclusive and with lifelong learning (PNEE-2020) was established by Decree No. 10.502 of 2020 on 10/01/2020, the Federal Supreme Court - STF suspended the effectiveness of the Decree 12/01/2020. Then followed a period of oral arguments of movements against and in favor of the decree, in an attempt to influence the final decision of the plenary. The objective of the present study was to analyze the different speeches expressed in the oral arguments petitioned to the Supreme Court (STF) regarding the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) nº 6,590 that led to the suspension of the PNEE-2020. A total of 11 videos of the oral arguments were transcribed and the speeches were analyzed using the Iramuteq textual analysis software. The results showed that the main arguments were based on Brazilian and international legislation, but paradoxically, the same section of the law was used both to defend the revocation and the maintenance of the PNEE-2020. It was concluded that the process showed different understandings of what inclusive education is, divided the movement of struggle of people with disabilities and weakened the movement for school inclusion in Brazil, since there are polarized voices on the subject and there is no unification of ideas about be achieved.
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