Historical and philosophical outlines of a current pedagogical art of early childhood education
early childhood education, Michel Foucault, modern educational thinking, Comenius, RousseauAbstract
The article aims to analyze the philosophical and historical outlines that support the educational practices developed with 4 and 5 years old children enrolled in preschool classes. It takes as an analytical corpus the methodological strategies which are reported by teachers in the Revista Pátio Educação Infantil from 2014 to 2018. It is assumed the perspective of foucaultian studies and it is inspired by effective history to trace a brief genealogical history of modern pedagogical thinking, in order to find some clues about the composition of the forces that taught us the ways in which we carry out our practices of early childhood education today. Thereby, revisiting the sayings of Modern Pedagogy thinkers Jan Amos Comenius and Jean Jacques Rousseau, pointing them out as initiators of discursivity about the ways in which we assume contemporary pedagogical thinking. It aims to give visibility to current practices when talking about early childhood education and tries to understand how these practices have been engendered and constituted throughout the history of Pedagogy leading to the emergence of a current pedagogical art, which is understood as an update of the principles of the Comenian art of teaching and the Rousseauian art of educating.
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