


learning experience, microphenomenology, narration


Zahavi, in an article entitled "Intentionality and Phenomenality: A Phenomenological Look at the 'Difficult Problem'" published in 2015, questions the dialectical relationships at work between consciousness, memory and experience. The "hard problem" of consciousness can be summarized as follows: while it is relatively simple to apprehend the contents of experience, the experiential effects

experienced seem, on the other hand, to be beyond the reach of the attentional field and, consequently, of narrative work based on putting things into words. Althought this differentiation between "content of experience" and "experienced experiential effects" constitutes, according to the term proposed by Zahavi, an " explicative gap ". By thinking about the conditions for overcoming this gap within the framework of an epistemology of narrative, this paper examines the processes and temporalities of the transition from experience to language from a phenomenological and biographical point of view. The paper examines the processes and temporalities of the transition from experience to language from a phenomenological and biographical point of view. To question the modalities by which narrative practices participate in the putting into words of the contents of experience (the thetical), but also of the effects experienced in contact with these contents (the experiential), is to examine the possibilities of expression of the formative dimensions of experience by situating them at the interface of memory, the body, and speech.


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Author Biographies

Hervé Breton, Université de Tours, EA7505 – France

Professor associado em ciências da educação e formação, membro da equipe de Educação, Ética e Investigação em Saúde (EA7505), co-director da revista “Chemins de formation”, Presidente da Associação Internacional de Histórias de Vida em Formação (ASIHVIF-RBE).

Camila Aloisio Alves, Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis – Brasil

Faculdade de Medicina de Petrópolis – Brasil


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How to Cite

BRETON, H. .; ALVES, C. A. THE NARRATION OF THE LIVED EXPERIENCE IN THE FACE OF THE "DIFFICULT PROBLEM" OF EXPERIENCE: BETWEEN PASSIVE MEMORY AND HISTORICITY. Práxis Educacional, Vitória da Conquista, v. 17, n. 44, p. 38-51, 2021. DOI: 10.22481/praxisedu.v17i44.8013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.