Teaching profession in question: inhabiting university teaching practices in teacher education
university teaching, ongoing formation, teacher and student relationshipAbstract
The article discusses the relationship between professors and students at the university, focusing on the teaching perceptions of university professors who work in undergraduate courses. In this sense, the text aims to understand what teachers say about their pedagogical actions to develop a teaching anchored in dimensions of affectivity, welcoming the students' needs, dialogicity and reflective autonomy. The research is qualitative in nature and reveals the results of a reflective workshop developed with four professors from different areas of knowledge who work in undergraduate courses at the State University of Feira de Santana – UEFS. In this sense, the study is based on the contributions of Cunha (2009), Ribeiro (2010) e Silva; Trindade (2021) that address questions about university teaching, with emphasis on the production of knowledge, experiences and educational practices developed in the university environment, considering everyday elements that interfere in the educational practices of university professors. The study reveals that there is a concern on the part of professors regarding the everyday situations experienced by students at the university, which interfere in the way they inhabit the condition of student. The work also reveals that the professors show a concern with the students' permanence at the university, valuing dialogue and the reflective dimension as central elements of their educational practices. There is also the perception that the permanent training of university professors is necessary for teaching to be effective, considering the training of future teachers.
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