Integral education, State of knowledge, ConceptionsAbstract
This article presents a study developed from the dissertations defended at the Federal University of Western Pará - UFOPA, in the period from 2016 to 2018, within the scope of the Academic Cooperation Program (PROCAD). It is a bibliographic and documentary research, which through the reflections of Lima and Almada (2013); Cavaliere (2010) and Coelho (2009), made a counterpoint between the provisions of the Mais Educação Program (PME), the Innovative High School Program (ProEMI) and the concepts presented in the dissertations. It aimed to present the proposals obtained from the data studied in the dissertations. The analysis of the texts shows that, although there is a discussion related to integral education, there are still conceptions that are not in accordance with its premises. The authors' study emphasizes that, although advances have been made in the intellectual development of students, there is a need for adjustments, especially with regard to the concept of what is integral education. The study also showed the importance of considering the context in which they are inserted and that, the Western region of Pará contains specificities such as the difficulties of displacement and precariousness in the physical structure of schools. In view of these aspects, the research described showed the importance of expanding the debate on comprehensive education, since those involved are not clear about their conceptions.
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