Vol. 3 (2024): 2024 Edition: Streaming Publishing

					View Vol. 3 (2024): 2024 Edition: Streaming Publishing

2024 Edition: Streaming Publishing

Published: 2024-01-15


  • Research in Education: reflections on the conditions for continued training in stricto-sensu

    Silvia Zimmermann Pereira Guesser, Márcia de Souza Hobold
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14123
  • Child development and the integration of digital technologies in education

    Bruna Silva Felix, Maria Inês Crnkovic Octaviani, Rafaela de Oliveira Falcão Freitas
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13801
  • Analysis of the evolution of the education system in Mozambique: reforms, characteristics, constraints and challenges

    Domingos Árabe, Francisco Uame, Agostinho Rosário Teimoso, António dos Santos João, Almeida Meque Gomundanhe
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14265
  • What does the curriculum for early early education want? An analytical management of curricular policy documents

    Gilmara Santos de Jesus, Reginaldo Santos Pereira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14112
  • A study on education in Bagé in redemocratization period from the DeFato newspaper (1986-1987)

    Matheus Rodrigues dos Santos, Alessandro Carvalho Bica
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13787
  • Indigenous literature: cultural aspects in the poems of Márcia Kambeba

    Josiane do Nascimento da Silva
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13804
  • Literacy: teaching performance and challenges in remote emergency education

    Andrezza Sibelly Soares Mendes, Adriana Cavalcanti dos Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13550
  • Environmental education in front of the Common National Curriculum Base: literature review

    Thaís Borges Moreira, Wanderson Diogo Andrade da Silva, Raquel Crosara Maia Leite
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13823
  • Challenges of conservatism in black deaf inclusion policies: memory rescue to overcome obstacles

    Wemerson Meira Silva, Igor Tairone Ramos dos Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13836
  • Virtual learning environment as an emerging technology in the teaching and learning process in Mozambique

    Ana Bela Carlos Ribeiro Jona, Gabriel Arlindo Mário Cuelia, Momade Suquia, Calisto Adelino Silvestre
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14264
  • Thinking a critical pedagogical doing for the mozambican public school

    Antoninho Alfredo, Eusébio Félix
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13406
  • The impact of the Moodle platform on the hybrid teaching and learning process in Mozambique

    Afonso Sefu, Natália Helena Fonseca Bolacha
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14258
  • Quality of teaching at the Instituto Superior de Sciences of Education of Cabinda and professional insertion of mathematics teaching graduates

    Marcos João Pucuta, Bonifácio dos Santos Luemba
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13778
  • The resignification of the use of visual media in the improvement of the teaching processes of the social sciences in the city of Barranquilla

    Bryan Joaquín Arrieta Núñez, Aldo de Jesús González Peñaranda, Marco Aurelio Venegas Polo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14403
  • Research in Social Representations in the graduate program in education at the State University Of Southwest Bahia

    Germinio José da Silva Junior, Denise Aparecida Brito Barreto
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14404
  • The National Education Plan and the challenges for the continued teachers training in the municipality of Ilhéus, BA

    Elaine Cristina Souza, Dra. Leila Pio Mororó
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14451
  • In search of possibilities for teaching about technology in basic education

    Cristine Saibert
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14362
  • Challenges of implementing online (highter) education in Mozambique

    Felismino Basílio, Victória Júlio Tipira Basílio, Afonso Valentim Sefu
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14317
  • Psychoeducation and andragogy: a reflective approach to adult education

    Trino Javier Gascón González
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14933
  • Application of complex numbers in resolution of second degree equations in the 11th class in Cabinda teaching school

    Marcos João Pucuta
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13907
  • Exploring educational management: challenges and opportunities in the culture of ignorance

    Gregory Milagros Azzi Bastardo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14934


  • Classroom without walls: a critical reflection

    Jean Carlos da Silva Monteiro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.13895


  • Africanities, Orishas and Flamengo: a reflection on law 10639/2003

    Perolina Souza Teles, Wolney Nascimento Santos, Fabio Zoboli
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14369
  • Interview from the academic perspective: from data collection to technical-scientific publication

    Ricardo Fraklin de Freitas Mussi, Marizete de Carvalho Cardoso Teixeira, Iamara Junqueira Sousa Carvalho, Alexandra Valéria Flora Gama, Marta Juvênia Navarro Caramelo, Leila Maria Prates Teixeira Mussi, Claudio Bispo de Almeida
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14869
  • Snowball sampling in the exercise of reviewing literature: notes about dialogical potential

    Camila Ferreira da Silva, Rodrigo de Macedo Lopes
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22481/redupa.v3.14789